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Emergency Services Guide

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Emergency Management

Call 911 for all emergencies.


When every second counts, the fastest way to get help is to call 911. The 911 operator will immediately notify the Fire Station or Sheriff’s Office, call an ambulance if needed and stay on the phone if you require CPR instructions or need additional assistance. While you are talking to the 911 operator, the Rio Verde firefighters, paramedics and/or a Sheriff’s deputy will be responding to your emergency.

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Large scale emergencies in the community are managed utilizing the Maricopa County Emergency Operations Plan. The plan is the framework for emergency responders, Maricopa County governmental departments and supporting agencies to effectively coordinate and collaborate, before, during, and after a disaster, in order to provide a comprehensive response to all emergencies. Participants involved in managing an emergency incident in the Verde’s will include but not be limited to: Rio Verde Fire District, Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, Maricopa County Emergency Management, Mutual Aid emergency organizations, Rio Verde Services, and community leadership.


Click here to read the Maricopa County Emergency Operation Plan.

Should evacuation be necessary during an emergency you will be given instructions on when, where, and how to evacuate. There are generally three types of evacuation processes: Shelter in place, local evacuation center, out of the community evacuation.

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